Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Building Week by Week

For those who have read my blog previously, change is very slow and takes what seems and is years! For those who have not read the blog do and you will get the sense of what I am talking about.
Its been 6 weeks since I returned from India and most of what has changed from the treatment is very subtle and change comes about with physical therapy. Basically, moving the body parts gets the nerves firing and doing it over and over and over and over and over..... again makes me work. The repetitions are exceedingly boring but I keep on keeping on to hope things will work better and changes will come about. I am at a stage where now we get picky and have to narrow in on things to make them functional. I have the majority of gross motor movement in all of the body parts that were paralysis 17 1/2 years ago and now its about putting it together and making it non-therapy ability. Which, if you agree is pretty awesome considering 3 years of treatment and 17 1/2 years post injury (good ratio)!!!!

Being in a wheelchair is definately not good for your body and unfortunately for someone like myself it is a necessary evil. If I could spend a majority of my life out of the chair I would recover 1000 times quicker but we have to work with what we can.

Changes that I have seen since last treatment from mid September to mid October with a bit of a break right after have been:
-Sensation improvement in core, gluteus maximus, and ability to recognise different surfaces through feet without looking.
-Stronger movement and balance in lower limbs
-crawling to kneeling is much easier (can kneel with one finger on one hand for about a minute without losing balance (no assistance needed to get that position and none for any kneeling)
-I can contract muscles specifically in abdominal (targetting) and in quadriceps.
- better hip hiking, now trying to bend the knee slightly when hip hiking, and able to do little little pushing up on ball of feet when standing using the walking frame.
-Have also tried and was successful on a couple of attempts to use crutches without someone holding on to me (but not able to step forward) Working on pulling butt back, keeping abs contracted and less arch before trying crutches again
-have also tried stepping with assistance about 2-3metres with exagerated knee lift and putting large amout of force downward with bigger steps in parallel bars
- have also been able to walk with both ankles unlocked with 2 degrees of plantar flexion. Was able to use left unlocked for a couple of weeks but ran into difficulties and switched back. Will begin again this week.

To prevent you from becoming bored and sleepy.... later mate!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Days pass, change come...

Here it is 3 weeks into it and time passes so quickly. Between weekly procedures and daily injections, taking care of business and having 3 physio sessions a day, vrrrooom and 3 weeks go by.
Since the mass injection s make you very tired after and take heaps of energy out of you, your immune system can get supressed and make you vunerable to what ever is out there. Of course you are given multiple antibiotics and they help but at the same time they make you feel strange and sometimes make you feel tired or ill in their own way. As for myself, i picked up a nasty cold after one of the procedures from a week ago. So that made me feel like crap and then drained my energy more..... but the show and physio goes on!!

I have had two Caudal injections, one 2 day epidural, two IV drips in the hand, and each Monday and Thursday I had DSM injections at my injury level. I can only imagine what I will have next week (my last week).

As a result of my stem cell injections and the hard work of physio, I have now witnessed more changes. In a short description the following has occurred in 3 weeks:

-improved movement and strength in my lower leg extensions and lower leg flexion on both legs from a side lying position on the bed. Approx. 30 degree range of motion now. I can also move a med ball forward with leg extension from sitting on the edge of a bed.

- I am now walking with less of an arch in my back and with better balance and much more prominent steps from the knee. My endurance and length of walking has also increased.

-my bladder function has increased with the volume expelled increased and with less effort.

- crawling has improved a little and crawling to standing on my knees is much much easier along with less pressure through the hands when standing on my knees. I can hang onto something with only one hand while on my knees. From that position I am able to rise and squat with less arm support (about 30degrees range) before losing control.

-I have now also begun hip hiking in the parallel bars on one leg, lifting the other leg up a small step of about 5cm plus. I am also able to stand without the AFO's for about 10-20secs with the right leg but able to maintain the right leg locked for longer.
- I am also been practicing holding with one hand in the bars while reaching forward and across the midline to touch the PT's hand without knees buckling.

-measurements were taken of quads/hamstrings circumference and are 38.6cm L and 38.88cm R. This is a significant change of approx. 7cm larger than 1 1/2 years ago. Calves were also taken and are less but measure approx. L @ 30.8 & R@31.2cm

Well, the sun is calling me! got o go... that is the latest...
See ya mate

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2011 INDIA

I'm back for more Stem Cells..... Its been 1 1/2 years since I was last here and the staff have noticed many changes in me since I was last here. In fact I stated to Geeta that recently I made an improvement in movement only 2 weeks ago. This could be due to physio and might have been able months ago??
The procedures have changed a bit with the way stem cells are administered but the general practice is much the same. And many of the physio's and doctors are different, but.... Geeta is the same!!
It seems that I am getting more stem cell injections daily (2-5 injections) and with my first procedure, the EC (epidural catheter) for 2 days at Gutam Nagar I received 3 mass injections on the first day and 5 mass injections on the second day 2 hours apart. For myself they are no longer requiring me to be lying down with my feet up and head down. This is good news as I hated that part and was so hard on my head. In fact excluding the first injection that day, i didnt have lay down at all just stay still and quiet for the day in my room watching movies or reading.

They are giving DSM injections on Mondays and Thursdays in the hospital while sitting up and I had 2 injections in my hand which is quite different than previously.
The rest of the processes are similar with the daily routine of nurses wanting BP, HR, medicines taken, blood given, etc.... Physio for myself has also changed. I am now having 3 shorter intense sessions a day instead of 2 a day.

After being here just over a week and one procedure down I am already seeing some small changes with Quadricep extension in both legs producing movements that were not there in the Left leg and stronger in the right leg (this is in the side lying postion). Its around 30degrees in range. Also there is much stronger movement in hamstring flexion in the same position with the left leg. There is flexion movement in the right leg but weaker.
I was very jet lagged when I arrived and a bit of Delhi Belly on the second day but now I am feeling more normalised and I am seeing things come together with good rest and time adjusting. However, the stem cells and physio are giving me heaps of fatigue on a daily basis.

Today I have another procedure (Caudal) and we will see what comes about.
Physio these days includes bed exercises (including core ball exercises while sitting on the bed. Mat exercises for crawling, balancing, kneeling on just legs while up against the wall and trying to not hang on. I have also began trying to do squats on the floor.
Of course there is walking and trying to go further and with better steps. I can already see improvements. We are also doing muscle stim with a TENS machine on my quads for 5 mins and are generally increasing the stim each day. Well that is about all for now.
Keep checking for more up dates.
Nameste all followers. And Gday to all the Aussie family.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Been a long time

Well, I know its been a long time since I wrote anything but finally I am here!

Since I was last in India alot of stuff has happened. In terms of my recovery... WOW! Such a change. I wonder what Geeta will think when I return to her in the near future?!
Its been a long hard journey and I keep on working hard to make small gains for a better returning functioning body. I have had the ups and downs of trying to make a non functioning body of 17 years plus come back to life.... Most of the work I do is strictly me alone.
In my new place of residency (Victoria, BC) it was very difficult to find a rehab place that would take me on or could provide the expertise to provide Neuro knowledge and rehab related therapy.

I did work with a very determined Exercise Therapist for many months and she was very good at assisting myself to keep the process going. It was beneficially working with her even though we fumbled in the dark trying to make improvements I was unsure whether it was being successful. Although, I believe all work that I have done has been beneficial. Unfortunately, I think the key missing links were the equipment and Neuro experience. My hat is off to them for trying. Thanks

But Just when I didnt think it was going to happen I found somewhere more specialised in Victoria!! The facility is called PATH. and the therapists work with people with neurological dysfunction. The programme that I am currently working on under my PT comes from the business of Project Walk that originally was established in San Diego, USA. Good on them!

Funny enough I actually managed to get into Project Walk in the first week of Jan. 2011 (even though I dont fit the criteria) and went down to San Diego to get a programme set up. Their facility was amazing and had all the equipment that i had been looking for for the previous 9 months that didnt exist in Victoria. I tried many things once, such as a stationary bike, walking up and down steps assisted, a squating machine, etc.... Once again I was new to their eyes, someone who had had Embryonic Stem Cell therapy! An unheard of thing and to have such results!!!! They were very interested and after seeing what I could do and heard what I had experienced they are seemingly now interested in combining their process with people who have or will have stem cell treatments in the future.

Then a few months later I found Jenny who had been trained by Project Walk under their programme and she has now taken this Dardinski Method and is treating persons like my self here.

I did also visit another clinic that has newly opened in Victoria, called Neuromotion Physiotherapy. It offered me another amazing experience as they have a machine called Lokomat. This is a machine from Switzerland (and extremely expensive and rare in this country) that operates over a treadmill and what takes place is, the person is put in a sling and then the lower limbs are strapped into an exoskeleton device that makes the proper walking gate for the person. The idea is to promote stimulation of cells in the brain related to movement and excite the neurons into possible reconnections. With this repetitive process it is hoped that reinnervation may take place. The machine can be adjusted for increases in weight bearing, increasing pace (up to 3.5km/hr), increasing the increments of body function with releasing straps in the harness that support the body, and decreasing the function of the machine so that the client must work ones body more and more.
I participated in the 1st 7 week programme and currently taking a break and deciding whether to continue for further sessions. I could definately feel the nerves stimulating when using the machine, with burning and tingling occuring while walking on the treadmill and using the Lokomat. The sensations only occurred when I was in motion and would stop shortly after I stopped trying to move. Even though the machine did the motions, I too would be trying to make the same motions.

So Currently I am now working 1 day a week with Jenny and we seem to work on the core HEAPS! and this is what I need.... doing everything from boxing, boxing standing up in a frame, kneeling balance, kneeling balance using a box, squating using a sliding machine (cant remember the name), and of course on the plynth doing many variations of core exercises. I have also been riding the stationary bike, assisted and unassisted. When using the bike it takes a few minutes to make the pedals go all the way around under my own motion but eventually I am able to ride unassisted. After I have had an interval, the following intervals are easier and easier and I can almost start unassisted and then I can continue unassisted. The majority of my improvements as seen by myself and Jenny are my abdominal function and lower back function.
The strength in my lower limbs continue to function for walking but seemingly have not improved significantly. That is not to say there hasnt been improvements.

The List of Function:

Since I began this process almost 2 yrs 8 months ago I have gone from T5 complete dysfunction below that level to:

1) Core, all abdominals functional
100%, noticeable change in posture, ability to flex muscles into pelvic muscles, can perform crunches, sitting from laying position with arm swing
Lower Limb
2) Adduction, Abduction functional use
3) Gluteus Maximus' working and very strong, left more developed than right, noticeable growth in muscles
4) Bladder Function: ability to sense when needing to urinate (up to 3-5mins notice), ability to initiate urination without catheter and empty bladder 60-80% of volume (improving with time)
5)Quadriceps weak function, approx. 70% functionality, ability to walk, lock and unlock knees when standing and walking forward, backwards, and side ways. Can extend legs 20 degrees approx when seated against bed
6)Hip flexors strong functionally, can crawl forward and backward in combination with other working muscles
7) Hamstrings weak but initiating and mininal movement.
8)Dorsi and plantar movement at ankle minimal, however noticeable
9) Left and Right feet, big toe movement (small), toe flickers of movement in both feet in second and third toes

Overall Function:
Ability to walk independently with AFO's (start 5cm below knee) and walking frame for 8-10metres inside and outside of home
-Return of Bladder function
Sensation change in core to approx. T11 and change in proprioception in lower limbs and knowledge of change of environment in feet without visual knowledge
-improved blood circulation, superficial veins return, reduced oedema (minimal occurance as opposed to previous oversized swollen ankles at the end of each day).
-Bone density change, test completed December 2010, test stated lumbar area near normal, Sacral near to Osteoarthrithic, Head of Femur Osteoarthritic
-increased size in lower limbs and increased definition in muscles (muscle measurements done from previous treatments)