Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Well something new is occuring....

Well another hot an steamy day in Delhi and so we are off to adventure for as long as we can handle it.... each day it has been at least in the low 30's C and very very very very humide. today is no exception with the sun out and predicted to be 35C. what is it in you country? Canada or Australia?
So if you want to know what is transpiring, write into this blog and maybe you just might get a suprise response....????????
More later...


Mere said...

Ok there mister, spill the beans! Whats going on? And how was you're 1st day of yoga.....

Mike Hirneth said...

Awesome mate, you're really doing it. Must have been something else getting the first injection. I love that there's a lady that supervises the cleaning. I want that job! Hope you're handling the heat OK. I should be looking forward to it by the time I leave here in October. Have a great time over there. See you soon.