Saturday, October 11, 2008

This week on the Tuesday past I was back at the old hospital for what they call the Lumbar Puncture. It isnt exactly a lumbar puncture for someone like myself because they don't need to go that low.... However, it was injected fairly low down as my sensation is fairly low now. During the time in the OT. I was able to feel Ashish pushing his fingers about on my back to test me out to about T10-11 and then inserted some anesthesia. Then the puncture tap was inserted and fluid was drained and then stem cells were injected. After the injection I felt quite a few sensations such as heaviness throughout my body, seemingly feelings of connection of electrical currents were flowing through my lower have of my body, and of course there were a bunch of spasms. This time the spasms were not as much as the previous procedures.

The next 5 hours i was on my back laying motionless trying to not move my head while the bed is inclined with two bricks and the blood flowing to my head. The idea is to prevent oneself from getting a headache and nausea and the way to do that is to remain motionless as possible. Luckily I managed to get through the evening without any headaches, etc. After this time i was allowed to roll over to either side or lay on my back for the remaining next 12 hours (08:30 the next morning) with only one brick. During all this time i had an IV stuck into me with a drip that was replaced 3 times, which means i had 1.5L of saline pumped into me with multiple antibiotics to prevent infection.
It was a mental and physical challenge but i made it through the 24hrs and no complications! I was feeling quite weak and tired. The next morning i went down to physio and did some light exercises and standing along with walking. I still felt weak as one would after such a procedure.

After a good sleep the next day I was ready to work it out and see what happens...... Well, on Thursday I did a decent phsyio treatment with walking in the walker but no crutches since i wasnt over energised. There weren't any changes that i noticed because I was too fatigued to notice them.
Friday, and yes there are some changes which i am truly amazed with!!! Now i have to work on making them functional. I am talking about moving my quads and lifting my quads in an adducting movement which is against gravity... Pretty cool hey..... Well that is the latest speil...
I will keep on keeping on.

1 comment:

Erikk Isfeld said...

Hey Kevin,

I made it home. I ended up taking a flight from Vancouver to Victoria because it took so long to get through customs. I had a great thanksgiving. Spend most of the day talking to people about your treatment and India. Post more. I feel out of the loop